
‘@about minim++


minim ynz

1. Note half as long as semibreve.
2. Smallest fluid measure, one sixtieth drachm.
3. Object of smallest size or importance.

Shince its launch in 2000 under the leadership of Motoshi Chikamori and Kyoko Kunoh, minim++ has created and presented a number of collaborative works.
As a media products group, minim++ communicates its message by way of simple, everyday things and events, which it alters slightly, and then alters a little more.




    @@‘@art work








‘@› [en]

‘@The Book of Sea

‘@at <case animal>

‘@Kage's Nest

‘@Cage for Kage

‘@Tool's Life

‘@Indelible Box

‘@Into the Cage for Kage



‘@Workshop at Centre Pompidou



    @@‘@art work


‘@at <case edo-tokyo>

‘@at <case sandbox>


Copyright (C) 2007 plaplax ltd. All rights reserved.